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  • Arroyo, B., Delibes-Mateos, M., Diaz-Fernandez, S., & Viñuela, J. 2012. Hunting management in relation to economic aims: red-legged partridge hunting in central Spain. E J Wildl Res
  • Borgen, O. Å. and K. Skogen (2013) Gutta på jakt. Jakt som arena for reproduksjon av arbeiderklassekultur. Tidsskrift for ungdomsforskning, 13(1), 3–30.
  • Bunnefeld N., Hoshino E., Milner-Gulland E. J. (2011) Management strategy evaluation: A powerful tool for conservation? Trends in Ecology and Evolution 26 (9):441-447
  • BUNNEFELD, N., EDWARDS, C. T. T., ATICKEM, A., HAILU, F. and MILNER-GULLAND, E. J. (2013), Incentivizing Monitoring and Compliance in Trophy Hunting. Conservation Biology. doi: 10.1111/cobi.12120
  • De Ambrogi, M., Aghazadeh, M., Hermosilla, C., Huber, D., Majnaric, D., Reljic, S., & Elson-Riggins, J. 2011. Occurrence of Baylisascaris transfuga in wild populations of European brown bears (Ursus arctos) as identified by a new PCR method. Veterinary Parasitology 179 (2011) 272–276
  • Delibes-Mateos, M., Díaz-Fernández, S., Ferreras, P., Viñuela, J., Arroyo, B. (2013) The role of economic and social factors driving predator control in small-game estates in central Spain. Ecology and Society 18(2): 38
  • Díaz-Fernández, S., Arroyo, B., Casas, F., Martínez-Haro, M., Viñuela, J. (2013) Effect of management on wild red-legged partridge abundance. PLOS ONE 8(6) art. no. e66671 
  • Díaz-Fernández, S., Arroyo, B., Viñuela, J., Patiño-Pascumal, I., Riera, P. (2013) Market value of restocking and landscape in red-legged partridge hunting: A study based on advertisements. Wildlife Research 40: 336-343
  • Diaz-Fernandez, S., Viñuela, J. & Arroyo, B. 2012. Harvest of Red-legged partridge in central Spain. J. Wild. Manag.
  • Fischer, A., Kereži, V., Arroyo, B., Mateos-Delibes, M., Tadie, D. Lowassa, A., Krange, O., & Skogen, K. 2012. (De)legitimising hunting – Discourses over the morality of hunting in Europe and eastern Africa. Land use policy 32: 261-270.
  • Fischer, A., Sandström, C., Delibes-Mateos, M., Arroyo, B., Tadie, D., Randall, D., Hailu, F., Lowassa, A., Msuha, M., Kereži, V., Reljić, S., Linnell, J. & Majić, A. 2012. On the multifunctionality of hunting – an institutional analysis of eight cases from Europe and Africa. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. DOI: 10.1080/09640568.2012.689615
  • Fischer, A., Sandström, C., Delibes-Mateos, M., Arroyo, B., Tadie, D., Randall, D., Hailu, F., Lowassa, A., Msuha, M., Kereži, V., Reljić, S., Linnell, J. Majić, A. 2013. On the multifunctionality of hunting – an institutional analysis of eight cases from Europe and Africa. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 56:4, 531-552, DOI: 10.1080/09640568.2012.689615
  • Hanley, N., Czajkowski, M., Hanley-Nickolls, R. & Redpath, S. (2010) Economic Values of Species Management Options in Human-Wildlife Conflicts: Hen Harriers in Scotland. Ecological Economics 70 (2010) 107–113
  • Jerina, K. 2012. Roads and supplemental feeding affect home-range size of Slovenian red deer more than natural factors. Journal of Mammalogy, 93(4):1139–1148. DOI: 10.1644/11-MAMM-A-136.1
  • Jerina, K., Jonozovič, M., Krofel, M. & Skrbinšek, T. 2013. Range and local population densities of brown bear Ursus arctos in Slovenia. Eur. J. Wildl. Res. DOI 10.1007/s10344-013-0690-2
  • Kaczensky, P., Jerina, K., Jonozovič, M., Krofel, M., Skrbinšek, T., Rauer, G., Kos, I., & Gutleb.B. 2011. Illegal killings may hamper brown bear recovery in the Eastern Alps. BioOne
  • Kinahan A, Bunnefeld N. Effectiveness and cost efficiency of monitoring mountain nyala in the Bale Mountains National Park, Ethiopia. Endangered Species Research. doi: 10.3354/esr00438 (in press, preprint abstract online)
  • Krofel, M., Jonozovič, M. & Jerina, K. 2012. Demography and mortality patterns of removed brown bears in a heavily exploited population. 23(1):91-103
  • Linnell, J. D. C. and F. E. Zachos (2011). Status and distribution patterns of European ungulates: genetics, population history and conservation. Ungulate management in europe: problems and practices. R. Putman, M. Apollonio and R. Andersen. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press: 12-53. 
  • Linnell, J. D. C., Brøseth, H., Odden, J. & Nilsen, E. B. (2010) Sustainably harvesting a large carnivore? Development of Eurasian lynx populations in Norway during 160 years of shifting policy. Environmental Management 45:1142–1154
  • Linnell, J.D.C. & Boitani, L. 2012. Building biological realism into wolf management policy: the development of the population approach in Europe. Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammology.
  • Linnell, J.D.C., Rondeau, D., Reed, D.H., Williams, R., Altwegg, R., Raxworthy, C.J., Austin, J.D., Hanley, N., Fritz, H., Evans, D.M., Gordon, I.J., Reyers, B., Redpath, S. & Pettorelli, N. (2010) Confronting the costs and conflicts associated with biodiversity. Animal Conservation, 13, 429-431  http://doi:10.1111/j.1469-1795.2010.00393.x
  • Lowassa, A., Tadie, D. & Fischer, A. 2012. On the role of women in bushmeat hunting – Insights from Tanzania and Ethiopia. Journal of Rural Studies, 28 (4): 622-630.
  • Majic A, Marino A, Huber D, Bunnefeld N. Dynamics of public attitudes toward bears and the role of bear hunting in Croatia. Biological Conservation 144 (2011) 3018–3027
  • Milner-Gulland, E.J. (2012) Interactions between human behaviour and ecological systems. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. B. 367: 270-278 
  • Milner-Gulland, E.J. 2011. Integrating fisheries approaches and household utility models for improved resource management. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (4)
  • Milner-Gulland, E.J., Arroyo, B., Bellard, C., Blanchard, J., Bunnefeld, N., Delibes-Mateos, M., Edwards, C., Nuno, A., Palazy, L., Reljic, S., Riera, P. and Skrbinsek, T. (2010) New directions in management strategy evaluation through cross-fertilization between fisheries science and terrestrial conservation. Biology Letters 6: 719-722.
  • Milner-Gulland, E.J., Arroyo, B., Bellard, C., Blanchard, J., Bunnefeld, N., Delibes-Mateos, M., Edwards, C., Nuno, A., Palazy, L., Reljic, S., Riera, P. and Skrbinsek, T. (2010) New directions in management strategy evaluation through cross-fertilization between fisheries science and terrestrial conservation. Biology Letters 6: 719-722.
  • Nilsen, E. B., Brøseth, H.,Odden, J., and Linnell, J.D.C. (2010) The cost of maturing early in a solitary carnivore. Oecologia 164: 943–948
  • Nilsen, E. B., Linnell, J. D. C., Odden, J., Samelius, G. & Andrén, H. 2012. Patterns of variation in reproductive parameters in Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx). Acta Theriol 57:217-223
  • Nilsen, E.B., Brøseth, H., Odden, J. & Linnell, J.D.C. (2012) Quota hunting of Eurasian lynx in Norway: patterns of hunter selection, hunter efficiency and monitoring accuracy. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 58, 325-333.
  • Nuno A., Bunnefeld, N., Milner-Gulland, E. J. (2013) Matching observations and reality: using simulation models to improve monitoring under uncertainty in the Serengeti. Journal of Applied Ecology 50(2): 488–498. doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12051   http://doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12051
  • Nuno, A., Bunnefeld, N., Naiman, L., Milner-Gulland, E.J. (in press) A novel approach to assessing the prevalence and drivers of illegal bushmeat hunting in the Serengeti. Conservation Biology. doi: 10.1111/cobi.12124  
  • Reljić, S., Srebočan, E., Huber, D., Kusak, J., Šuran, J., Brzica, S., Cukrov, S. & Crnić, A. P. 2012. A case of a brown bear poisoning with carbofuran in Croatia. Ursus 23(1):86-90
  • Sandström, C. 2012. Managing Large Ungulates in Europe: The Need to Address Institutional Challenges of Wildlife Management. Human Dimensions of Wildlife: An International Journal 17 (5): 320-332. DOI: 10.1080/10871209.2012.710710
  • Schlüter M, McAllister RRJ, Hölker F, Quaas M, Arlinghaus R, Bunnefeld N, Eisenack K, Milner-Gulland EJ, Müller B, Nicholson E, Stöven M (2012) New horizons for managing the environment: A review of coupled social-ecological systems modeling. Natural Resource Modelling 25: 219-272
  • Skrbinšek, T., Jelenčič, M., Waits, L., Kos, I., Jerina, K. & Trontelj, P. 2012. Monitoring the effective population size of a brown bear (Ursus arctos) population using new single-sample approaches. Molecular Ecology 21: 862–875
  • Skrbinšek, T., Jelenčič, M., Waits, L.P., Potočnik, H., Kos, I. & Trontelj, P. 2012.Using a reference population yardstick to calibrate and compare genetic diversity reported in different studies: an example from the brown bear. Heredity (2012) 00, 1–7
  • Strand, O., Nilsen, E.B., Solberg, E.J., Linnell, J.C.D. Can management regulate the population size of wild reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) through harvest? Canadian Journal of Zoology, 2012, 90:(2) 163-171, 10.1139/z11-123
  • Sæther, B. E., Engen, S., Odden, J., Linnell, J. D. C., Grøtan, V. & Andrén, H. (2010) Sustainable harvest strategies for age-structured lynx populations: The use of reproductive value. Biological Conservation in press doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2010.04.048
  • YITBAREK T. W., DEGU TADIE, GIRMA TIMER and ANKE FISCHER (2013). Evaluating governance processes in the sharing of revenues from wildlife tourism and hunting in Ethiopia. Environmental Conservation, , pp 253-265. doi:10.1017/S0376892913000118.