Department of Political Science, Umeå University (UMU)

The department undertakes research on environmental politics and policy, sustainable development and natural resource management. The Department has particular expertise in governance systems, especially co-management of protected areas, forest systems, and vulnerability and adaptation to climate change. The department has participated in numerous multi- and interdisciplinary research projects. Department staff currently do research in the Baltic region, including Russia, many EU countries and Canada.
UMU will lead WP2 (Institutions) and participate in WP1 (Management), WP5 (Integration) and WP6 (Dissemination).
Camilla Sandström

Camilla Sandström is a political scientist with interest in biodiversity and natural resource management. She has been coordinating a large-scale interdisciplinary project . The Mountain MISTRA programme focusing on sustainable development and management of natural resources in the Swedish Mountain region, including the management of game bird and ungulate hunting and the management of large carnivores. From a collaborative learning perspective the programme also looked into possibilities to solve conflicts in multi-use situations in forest systems (forestry and reindeer husbandry and protected areas). She is currently assessing the Fennoscandian large carnivore management. Sandström has published 6 papers, a number of peer-reviewed technical reports, and chapters in books and is currently editing a book on the management of contested natural resources in Finland, Norway and Sweden.
Anna Zachrisson
Anna Zachrisson is a PhD student at the Department of Political Science who is about to finish her doctoral work on the management of biodiversity in protected areas. Her research focuses on common pool research dilemmas and her PhD project thus fits nicely into the objectives of this proposal. She has experience of conducting field research in Africa.