Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA)

NINA is the leading institution for applied ecological research in Norway. NINA conducts research to facilitate the implementation of international conventions, decision-support systems and management tools, as well as to enhance public awareness and promote conflict resolution. The institute employs a staff of 152. NINA offers broad-based ecological expertise covering genetics, populations, species, ecosystems and landscapes, in terrestrial, freshwater, and coastal marine environments. NINA addresses a wide variety of interdisciplinary issues involving ecologists and social scientists, and plays an important role in European and other international research activities. NINA's social science section is expanding, comprising a variety of disciplines. NINA's researchers have worked in most European and many developing countries.
Ketil Skogen
Senior Research Fellow, is a sociologist with particular expertise on competing human interests in the use of nature and wild biological resources. His research has emphasized the interrelatedness of conflicts over land use and general societal tensions and processes of change. He has led several projects on the conflicts over large carnivores and coordinated the social science input to the 2003 Parliamentary White Paper on large carnivore management. He is currently involved in the FP6 project ALTER-Net and in the COST Action INTERCAFE. He is the author of 21 peer-reviewed works and is an associate editor of Society & Natural Resources. He is an Adjunct Professor at the Department of Sociology and Human Geography, University of Oslo.
Bjørn P. Kaltenborn
Senior Research Fellow, is a resource geographer and social scientist, and his research interests focus on various aspects of human-environment interactions. Main research themes during the last ten years have been protected areas, human-wildlife interactions, mountain development, community development in rural regions, and nature tourism. He has headed more than 20 large research projects and is a former research director of the Human-Environment Division in NINA. He is also an Associate Affiliate Professor in the Department of Resource Recreation and Tourism at the University of Idaho, USA and a member of IUCN’s World Commission on Protected Areas. He has authored and coauthored 44 papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals, and has worked in more than 10 counties. He has extensive experience from working in developing countries, especially East Africa and South Asia.
Olve Krange
Senior Research Fellow, is a sociologist whose current research is on land use conflicts in a socioeconomic and socio-cultural perspective, and cultural change in rural areas. He has done extensive work on the conflicts over large carnivores in Norway, focusing on the role of the hunting culture. He has 14 peer reviewed publications, and has been the editor of Tidsskrift for Ungdomsforskning (Journal for Youth Research) since 2001.
John D. C. Linnell
Senior Research Fellow, is an ecologist who works with conservation related issues on large carnivores and wild ungulates. He has worked in Norway, the Baltic States, Poland, the Balkans and India. As well as leading several ecology projects he has been responsible for coordinating several interdisciplinary projects. In addition to research he has also been involved in policy support projects for the government of Norway, the Council of Europe and the European Commission. He has authored or coauthored 78 peer reviewed works and is an associate editor for Wildlife Biology.
Erling J. Solberg
Senior Research Fellow, is a population ecologist working on harvest and monitoring related research issues for wild ungulates (moose, wild reindeer, red deer). He is currently expanding his focus to study the impact of wild ungulates on vegetation. He has 36 peer reviewed publications.
Hans Christian Pedersen
Senior Research Fellow, is an ecologist working on the ecology and harvest management of game birds, especially ptarmigan, in addition to being the Norwegian coordinator for research activity on wolves. He has 59 peer reviewed publications.
Erlend B. Nilsen
Research Fellow, is a population ecologist working on basic and applied questions related to ungulate and carnivore ecology and management. In particular, his work has been focused around the consequences of predation and harvest on life history traits and population dynamics, as well as space use patterns in carnivores.
He has 17 peer reviewed publications and is an associate editor for Wildlife Biology.
Helene Figari
Research Fellow, is a sociologist whose research focuses on human use and conceptions of nature. She has worked with questions related to human-carnivore relations, minorities and outdoor recreation, and gender aspects within nature resource management, and has a particular interest for lay knowledge and social representations of nature or specific elements of the natural environment.