Imperial College Conservation Science (ICCS)
Imperial College Conservation Science
The ICCS group is a large and diverse research group within the Department of Life Sciences, Imperial College London, currently numbering 22 people with research funding from a range of organisations including UK research councils and DEFRA, the EU's INTAS programme, conservation NGO's such as Conservation International and the Leverhulme Trust. The group has a high international profile, with recent papers based on collaborations with researchers from 70+ universities, research institutes and conservation NGO's. The group has particular strengths in modeling the ecology of hunted species and in the modelling of the relationship between individual hunter incentives, management systems and the biology of their prey. They have a ongoing research programme on monitoring under conditions of uncertainty, and have research collaborations in the EU and Africa.
The ICCS group will carry out the modeling component of WP4 and will collaborate on the integrative modeling in WP5 as well as having strong links to WP3.
E. J. Milner-Gulland

E. J. Milner-Gulland is the leader of ICCS, and is Professor of Conservation Science at Imperial College London. Since 1995, she has been awarded 23 research grants for her research into the interactions between conservation of natural resources and sociopolitical change in the former Soviet Union, analyses of the dynamics of the trade in wild pigs and rattan in Indonesia, the effects of conservation policies on bushmeat hunting and optimising monitoring and compliance in community-based conservation projects. She is highly active in international conservation publishing and management, holding editorships or editorial board memberships with the Journal of Applied Ecology, Conservation Biology and Oryx. She is a member of the IUCN Sustainable Use Specialist Group and Antelope Specialist Group and a Trustee of Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust. She has a strong publication record in bioeconomics and natural resource use issues, on subjects including the sustainability of wildlife hunting, the dynamics of the wildlife trade, decision-making by resource users, and population dynamics of hunted mammals, totaling 90 peer-reviewed journal papers, including several in Nature and 2 books.
Nils Bunnefeld
Nils Bunnefeld is a postdoctoral researcher and has worked on species as diverse as lynx in Norway, passerines in South Africa, saiga antelopes in Russia, red grouse in the UK and moose in Sweden. His main research interest falls into population dynamics and sustainable management of hunted species, using the combination of empirical data collection and modelling to investigate the effect of hunting on wildlife. He is also interested in the spatio-temporal behaviour and movement patterns of wild animals in human dominated landscapes.
Ana Nuno
Ana Nuno is a young researcher interested in understanding human-wildlife interactions and anthropogenic drivers of biodiversity change in order to minimize conflict and to support sustainable use of wildlife resources. Previous research experience includes work with Eurasian lynx in Poland, jaguar in Brazil, and survey of attitudes towards carnivores in Portugal. Her PhD project will involve modelling local hunting in Serengeti, particularly looking at the potential effects of changes in management strategies and household decisions on hunting behaviour.